The cybersecurity company Transparent Edge has assured EL ESPAÑOL-Omicrono that in internal analyzes they have detected attacks on several institutional websites, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Moncloa website, the Bank of Spain and various organizations in Granada.
A report from Cyber Security reported that a hacker group called compromised “all systems” of Sony to obtain confidential data. The information would be put up for sale after the company's refusal to pay a ransom of 2.5 million dollars.
MGM Resorts refused to pay a ransom to the group that hacked its systems last month, which shut down its online hotel reservation system, locked guests out of their hotel rooms by disabling their key cards and disrupted the technology in its slot machines. MGM said it resumed full operations on Thursday, but the cyberattack has cost the company $100 million in lost revenue. The company attributed the financial loss to the cyberattack in its third quarter.
The Telefónica executive said, during the LATAM CISO Summit 2023, that digitalization must be focused on people and their rights, as he recalled that in Latin America there is concern and discussion about the creation of cybersecurity agencies that could violate them.