Yesterday, thanks to the support of the Mexican Institute for Justice (IMJUS) and Red 360 + 1, we met to discuss the future of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence in Mexico in the context of current challenges and recent law proposals of both topics.
We had the participation of the following experts:
Senator Alejandra Lagunes, Secretary of the Science and Technology Commission of the Senate and Founder of the National Alliance for Artificial Intelligence.
Cynthia Solís, Doctor in Private Law and Criminal Sciences, also a member of the IFT Advisory Council.
Ernesto Ibarra, President of the Mexican Academy of Cybersecurity and Digital Law.
Pablo Corona, Vice President of Digital Health of the MX Internet Association.
Víctor Lagunes, Director of CyberLat, Vice President of Emerging Technologies of the MX Internet Association, who moderated the dialogue.

Senator Alejandra Lagunes shared with us that it is urgent to have the Federal Cybersecurity Law, since user trust is needed to develop the technology. Additionally, a multi-stakeholder effort is needed.
Regarding artificial intelligence, the Senator told us that working groups will be held at the ANIA to begin to ask the right questions about how to regulate AI. The above because we are facing a global paradigm shift in which positions regarding this new technology will be divided.
For her part, Cynthia Solís defines cybersecurity as a multifactorial issue in which we will all have to participate since the law is not going to be the only thing that helps us. It is essential that economic and human resources be allocated to this issue. In addition, it is essential to generate capacity in local, state governments and federal institutions so that they can respond in the best way. The explanatory memorandum of the proposed legislation will need to be reviewed and responsibilities and roles defined.
Ernesto Ibarra comments that it is very positive that there will be a Federal Cybersecurity Law in Mexico since it will help us have a diagnosis of our country on the matter. It is necessary to record the size of the incidents and their sectors. He also explained that it is necessary to review the rights mentioned in the proposed law by Deputy López Casarín since, for example, digital rights are already in other systems. Ernesto also suggests holding an open parliament to evaluate the proposed law, creating an advisory committee and redefining the terms of the transitional articles.
From Pablo Corona's perspective, AI takes us to an unprecedented situation. Since we have to be prepared for when it stops being a tool when it becomes intelligent. Therefore, it is a great task to be able to regulate unprecedentedly and consolidate many factors. It is necessary to make a map of industry actors and analyze the proposals that already exist. It will be necessary to make a transversal proposal.
Victor Lagunes explained the industries that will be most impacted by AI and suggests being prepared for these changes in Mexico with the following pillars:
Education and formation
International cooperation
Technological infrastructure
Economic diversification
Legislation and regulation
Social inclusion
Investment and financing
Environmental sustainability
Carrying out exercises like this is undoubtedly something enriching that we have to promote as members of the industry and the sector that we want to be regulated in the best possible way. At CyberLat, we reaffirm our commitment to contribute from our approach, arguments that add and build to the Federal Cybersecurity Law initiative that is being discussed in Congress.